Backgrounds of the Programme

Corporate governance is a field that concentrates on the relationship between boards of (executive and supervisory) directors, stockholders, top management, regulators, auditors and other stakeholders of corporations. Of importance to this programme is the recognition that boards of directors are essential to most systems of corporate governance.

The board has the responsibility to ensure that corporations comply with modern ethical and economic standards and that management is accountable to financiers and shareholders. To understand the role of boards of directors in this process, the principles of corporate governance are discussed from economic, legal and financial perspectives.

The programme builds on many practical and recent examples of corporate governance (and business irregularities) in a Dutch context. This enables supervisory directors with non-Dutch nationality to become more aware of the specific circumstances in which they operate, being responsible for ‘decision control’.

This practical programme focuses on participants using corporate governance as a practical tool for the company. To understand the internal corporate governance structure of corporations, participants work with tools available to improve the corporate governance structure of corporations. The presentations are designed to encourage participation and debate of real life cases.

Would you like more information about our courses, call (+31)343 - 47 61 73.